LibraryTrac offers a wide variety of components to help you track the usage of your library.
Create your own reports based on a single day, a week, a month, or a customzied date range. View compiled statistics instantly and see a list of all returned results for a particular component.
The librarians are really amazed at how much activity there is in the libraries now that they have a way to record it. They are saying that they knew they were busy but just didn’t realize HOW busy.
LibraryTrac has streamlined the process of tracking students using the Library facility and in environmental friendly because we no longer waste 9 sheets of paper a day!
This application has been helpful in getting students in and out of the library quickly. We have referred to the archives several times to determine that whereabouts of students when requested by administration. Staff and admin are always impressed by the system and the data it provides!
Students really appreciate not having clipboards/paper sign in.
I love using it. My AP told me I would have to do duty before and after school but when I printed out and showed him my statistics from LibraryTrac, he rescinded that edict.
I have only used Library trac since April when we opened a new building. The students picked up the system quick and are now in the habit of logging in as soon as they enter the library. I am happy with the system and prefer the simple and easy to use format.