Pricing is based on per school year per account. If you sign up during the school year, rates will be prorated accordingly.
Renewals are sent out in mid-to-late August/September.
Student Log
Pick one...(Advanced Student Log is recommended)
Basic Student Log175$Per School Year
- First and Last Name inputs
- QR/Remote Sign In
- Customized Options (Reasons, Teachers, etc.)
- Customized Reporting
- Staff Viewing Accessing
Advanced Student Log275$Per School Year
- Barcode/ID Scanning or Typing
- QR/Remote Sign In
- Customized Options (Reasons, Teachers, etc.)
- Customized Reporting
- Staff Viewing Accessing
Pick and choose which other add-on components you'd like to have...
Calendar+100$Per School Year
- Customized Locations/Categories
- Customized Options (Reasons, Teachers, etc.)
- Customized Reporting
- Staff Viewing Accessing
Pass+50$Per School Year
- Customized Options (Reasons, Teachers, etc.)
- Customized Reporting
- Staff Viewing Accessing
Class Log+50$Per School Year
- Customized Options (Reasons, Teachers, etc.)
- Customized Reporting
- Staff Viewing Accessing
Out Log+50$Per School Year
- Customized Options (Reasons, Teachers, etc.)
- Customized Reporting
- Staff Viewing Accessing
Collaborate+75$Per School Year
- Customized Groups
- Customized Subjects
- Staff Access
District/County/Group Pricing
A district, county or group such as coop may be eligible for discounted pricing off of the Student Log (Basic or Advanced) subscription. Discount will only apply to bundled, lump-sum purchase orders or invoices.
- 5-9 accounts: 5% discount
- 10-29 accounts: 10% discount
- 30-49 accounts: 15% discount
- 50+ accounts: 20% discount
District Reporting Portal: A reporting portal that allows district supervisors/administrators to view all associated school's statistics in one location. View by school type (high, middle, elementary) as well as by time frame (week, month, year). If you are a supervisor and interested in having this at your disposal please inquire!